2022 Dessin dans l'art contemporain - 80 Artistes

Barbara Soyer

Relié, 312 pages
Paru le 20 octobre 2022.
ISBN 978-2-35017-551-5
Edition Pyramyd
Lien: https://vincentgebel.fr/dessindanslartcontemporain/


2022, In annoter Green

2022 (En) Joseph Dadoune, Leor Grady, Achia Anzi, In annoter Green, Alliance française de Delhi et centre de Kolkata pour la création, Calcutta, Inde


2021 Joseph Dadoune Incarnation

Texte : Ariel Schweitzer
60 pages
Edition: Galerie Le Minotaure. Paris



2018 Can Art Aid in Resolving Conflicts? 100 Perspectives

Écrit par : YoramWind, Ornat Lev-er, Noam Lemelshtrich Latar
Edition FRAME. ISBN 978-94-92311-32-0



Textes d'Isabelle Bourgeois (curator), Drorit Gur-Arie, Mikel Touval, Raphael Zaguri Orly, Doron Von Beider.
Arnaud Bizalion Éditeur, Arles
ISBN : 978-2-36980-123-8


Barrière protectrice

Texte de Fabrice Flahutez

Arnaud Bizalion Éditeur, Arles
ISBN : 978-2-36980-109-2


Maayan 12 Cover

מעין معين Maayan

כתב עת לשירה, ספרות ורעיונות — קיץ 2016
שער אחורי: יוסף ז׳וזף יעקב דדון, פיתות, האביב הערבי, 2013גיליון מס׳ 12



Icônes, artiste invité Joseph Dadoune

61 hiver 2015

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À chaud Calais, 13 novembre
Majeure Populismes
Hors-Champ Europe et réfugiés :
Mineure Écopolitiques du cinéma




Joseph Dadoune
Le kiosque noir 2015

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Exposition du 25 novembre 2014 au 31 janvier 2015
Espace d’art Le Moulin - Ville de La Valette-du-Var
Direction et commissariat Isabelle Bourgeois
Directeur de publication Isabelle Bourgeois

Texte Fabrice Flahutez
Éditeur Ville de La Valette-du-Var
Graphistes Studio MCB / 0494141685
Tirage: 2500 exemplaires
ISSN: 1969-2625


Weaving Community

Labour in Ofakim, 1955-1981

By Shani Bar-On
The Hebrew University Magnes Press
Photo cover: Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune
Sociology and Anthropology, History of the land and state of Israel
Publish date: December 2013
Language: Hebrew
Danacode: 45-680012
ISBN: 978-965-493-713-9


The Compromised Land

Recent photography and video from Israel

Photo cover: Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune

Ed. Helaine Posner and Lilly Wei

Neuberger Museum of Art, USA, 2013





Texte by : Shva Salhoove : Et l’adolescent rêve

An Art & Social Project in Ofakim
by Joseph Dadoune
Available for free : 

Projet artistique et social à Ofakim
de Joseph Dadoune
Disponible gratuitement :
Summary: An Art & Social Project in Ofakim
by Joseph Dadoune. 

Projet artistique et social à Ofakim
de Joseph Dadoune



Volume 2-2009
Photo cover: Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, Ronit Elkabetz, SION 2002-07

Editor: Yotam Hotam
The Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem



In the Desert
Dans le désert


An Art & Social Project in Ofakim
by Joseph Dadoune
Available for free : 

Projet artistique et social à Ofakim
de Joseph Dadoune
Disponible gratuitement :
Summary: An Art & Social Project in Ofakim
by Joseph Dadoune. 

Projet artistique et social à Ofakim
de Joseph Dadoune


Zion: A Cinematic Trilogy, 2008


2008 Résonance

Présentation des acquisitions récentes (2013-2017)
du Frac mises en regard avec les collections de la RMM


Bienvenue au Club

Joseph Dadoune
Publicher: Alon Segev Galley LTD 2001

2022 Francis Lallemant, Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, Ivresses mélancoliques, Paris, France


Blancs, 2022

2022 (Fr + En + Jp + He) Joseph Dadoune, Doron von Beider, Mario Casanova, BarbaraWolffer,
Blancs, Éditions Arnaud Bizalion, Arles, France (ISBN 978-2-36980-138-2)


2021 Fresh Light

(En) Donatien Grau, Fresh Light, Éditions Arnaud Bizalion, Arles,
France (ISBN 978-2-36980-186-3 - EAN 9782369801863)



Forgotten from the Frame

Yvonne Kozolovsky Golan

The Absence of the Holocaust Experience of Mizrahim From the Visual Arts and Media in Israël
Photo cover: Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune

Reslilng, Tel Aviv



2016 Alchemy of Words: Abraham Abulafia, Dada, Lettrism.

Commissariat: Dr. Batsheva Goldman-Ida

Catalogue bilingue pour l'exposition : Alchimie des mots : Abraham
Abulafia, Dada, Lettrisme. L'exposition, marquant le 100e anniversaire
de Dada.


The Lobby Art Space, Tel Aviv, 2016

Curators: Leor Grady and Orit Mor
Text: Doron von Beider

Editing: Tami Chapnik
Photography: Yigal Pardo

Catalogue Design: Doron von Beider
Special Thanks to Efrat Livny and Amos Schocken


Yosef-Joseph-Yaakov Dadoune
« Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent sur vos têtes? » 2015

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Catalogue publié à l’occasion de l’exposition
Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune

Beit Uri And Rami Nehostan Museum Kibbutz Ashdot Ya’akov Meuhad 15150

Directeur et commissaire du Musée Beit Uri And Rami Nehostan: Ruth Shadmon

Commissaire de l’exposition: Isabelle Bourgeois

Conception graphique: Lee & Tamar Studio

isbn: 978-965-92225-1-3


2014 Les désastres de la guerre 1800-2014

Le Louvre Lens, Lens, FR
(commissariat Laurence Bertrand Dorleac & Marie-Laure Bernadac)



FAISAL-MOSHE 1975-1981

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Design and production: Koby Levy & Zohar Koren
Pages: 87
Year: 2014


Ofakim (horizons)

Of-Ar Project:
A Communal Space and Cultural Hothouse

Yosef-Joseph Dadoune, Yitzhak Krispel,
Efrat-Kowalsky Architects, Dan Hasson
Dadoune | von Beider
Editor: Drorit Gur Arie
February 2012 – May 2012
Petach Tikva Museum of Art


Art et Mythe

Fabrice Flahutez et Thierry Dufrêne (dir.)

Couverture : Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune

Éditeur : Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest
Année d’édition : 2011
ISBN électronique : 9782821850811



18 חי



Photo cover: Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune

Editor: Benjamin Seroussi
Centro da cultura judaica, Sao Paolo 


Regarding Sion À propos de Sion



Yosef-Joseph Dadoune
Guest editor:
Drorit Gur Arie
ֿHakivun Mizrakh [East-Word]
in collaboration with Petach Tikva Museum of Art
Special Edition (17) Winter 2008-2009

Texts by:
Haviva Pedaya, Drorit Gur Arie, Dr. Yvonne Kozlovsky-Golan, Raphael Sigal, Omri Herzog, Abdellah Taïa, Yoav Shemueli, Amnon Raz Krakotzkin

Design and production:
Koby Levy & Michal Sahar
The League

Published by:
Bimat Kedem Publishing

ISBN: 1565-4826
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Sion : A cinematic trilogy


6 november 2007 - 26 January 2008
Curator & editor: Drorit Gur Arie
Texts by:
Drorit Gur Arie : Desert margins
Ruth Malul Zadka : Eternal universes
Ktzia Alon : When we remembered Zion : an outline for Joseph Dadoune's "Sion"
Fabrice Flahutez : The fountain of myth

Design and production: Koby Levy : The League

Published by: Petach Tikva Museum of Art

ISBN: 978-965-911-1-0-3

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Les valises itinérantes

Joseph Dadoune

Texte: Catherine Maurey
Design and production: la langue du caméléon
Publisher: Galerie Le Changeur, Nice 1996-97


2023 - 2024

(fr + en) Marie-Laure Bernadac, Lucia Sagradini-Neumann, Doron Von Beider, Donatien Grau, Drorit Gur Arie, Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, 1996 – 2022, Arnaud Bizalion éditeur, 2023 (ISBN 9782369801405)


(Fr) Francis Lallemant, Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, Ivresses mélancoliques, Paris, France (ISBN 978-2-958523-30-5) 

(En) Joseph Dadoune, Leor Grady, Achia Anzi, In another Green, Alliance française de Delhi et centre de Kolkata pour la création, Calcutta, Inde

(Fr + En + Jp + He) Joseph Dadoune, Doron von Beider, Mario Casanova, Barbara Wolffer, Blancs, Éditions Arnaud Bizalion, Arles, France (ISBN 978-2-36980-138-2) 


(Fr+En) Ariel Schweitzer, Joseph Dadoune, IncarnaSion, Éditions galerie Le Minotaure, 2021 (ISBN 9782916775456) 

(En) Donatien Grau, Fresh Light, Éditions Arnaud Bizalion, Arles, France (ISBN 978-2-36980-186-3 - EAN 9782369801863)


( Fr + Il ) Isabelle Bourgeois, Drorit Gur Arie, Mikel Touval, Raphaël Zagury-Orly, Doron von Beider et Joseph Dadoune, Sillons, Yosef Joseph Dadoune, Arnaud Bizalion éditeur, 2017 ( ISBN: 9782369801238)

( Fr ) Fabrice Flahutez, Joseph Dadoune, barrière protectrice, Arnaud Bizalion Éditeur, 2017, (ISBN: 9782369801092)


( Il + En ) Doron von Beider, Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, In praise of the Sequence, The Lobby, Tel Aviv, 2016 

( Fr + Il ) Isabelle Bourgeois, Yosef-Joseph-Yaakov Dadoune « Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent sur vos têtes? », Beit Uri And Rami Nehostan Museum, Kibbutz Ashdot Ya’akov Meuhad, 2016, (ISBN: 978-965-92225-1-3)


( Fr ) Lucia Sagradini, Icônes 61, Joseph Dadoune, Multitudes, 2015 (ISSN: 0292-0107)

( Fr ) Fabrice Flahutez, L’oeuvre ouverte de Joseph Dadoune, Le kiosque noir 2015, Espace d’art Le Moulin, Ville de La Valette-du-Var, 2015 (ISSN:19692625)


( En ) Joseph Dadoune, An arab spring 1975, King of arabia 1975, Faisal-Moshe 1975-1981, Pittas, Tel Aviv, 2014


( Il + En ) Drorit Gur Arie, Shani Bar-On, Audrey Illouz, Conversation between Yosef Joseph Dadoune & Zvi Efrat, Yitzhak Krispel, Efrat-Kowalsky Architects, Dan Hason, Dadoune | Von Beider, Ofakim (horizons), Petach Tikva Museum, Israël, 2012 (ISBN: 9789657461044)


( Il + Fr + Ru ) Shva Salhoove, Ofakim, In the desert project, Ofakim,Israël 2010


( Il + Fr + En ) Haviva Pedaya, Drorit Gur Arie, Dr. Yvonne Kozlovsky-Golan, Raphael Sigal, Omri Herzog, Abdellah Taïa, Yoav Shemueli, Amnon Raz Krakotzkin, Regarding Sion / À propos de Sion, Yosef-Joseph Dadoune, Special Edition (17) Winter 2008-2009, Hakivun Mizrakh [East-Word], Bimat Kedem Publishing, Israël, 2008-2009, (ISBN: 15654826) 

( Il + Fr + En ) In The Desert, An Art & Social Project in Ofakim by Joseph Dadoune, In the desert project, Ofakim, 2008-2009


( Il + En ) Drorit Gur Arie, Ktzia Alon, Fabrice Flahutez, Ruth Malul Zadka

Joseph Dadoune A Cinematic Trilogy, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israël, 2007 (ISBN: 978965911103)


( Fr ) Zoritchak Thomas, Universes 2000 – 2003, Alon Segev Gallery edition: Mercaba Pictures. Tel Aviv, 2004 


( En ) Bienvenue au Club, Joseph Dadoune, Alon Negev Gallery LTD, Tel Aviv, 2001 


( fr ) Maurey Catherine, Les valises itinérantes, Joseph Dadoune, Galerie Le Chanjour, Nice 1996-97 https://www.atramenta.net/authors/catherine-maurey/49688/publications/



(Fr) Francis Lallemant, Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, Ivresses mélancoliques, Paris, France (ISBN 978-2-958523-30-5) 

(En) Joseph Dadoune, Leor Grady, Achia Anzi, In another Green, Alliance française de Delhi et centre de Kolkata pour la création, Calcutta, Inde

(Fr + En + Jp + He) Joseph Dadoune, Doron von Beider, Mario Casanova, Barbara Wolffer, Blancs, Éditions Arnaud Bizalion, Arles, France (ISBN 978-2-36980-138-2) 


(Fr+En) Ariel Schweitzer, Joseph Dadoune, IncarnaSion, Éditions galerie Le Minotaure, 2021 (ISBN 9782916775456) 

(En) Donatien Grau, Fresh Light, Éditions Arnaud Bizalion, Arles, France (ISBN 978-2-36980-186-3 - EAN 9782369801863)


Toval Sharon, exhibition catalogue Hshuma, p. 09 - 13, 88, 89. MACT/CACT Museum and Center of Contemporary Art, Bellinzona, CH, 2019

Goldman-Ida Batsheva, Shapira Yaniv, Sadekova Suria, exhibition catalogue Naked Soul: Chaïm Soutine and Israeli Art, p. 104, 159. Mishkan museum of Art, Kibbutz Ein Harod, 2019 ( ISBN: 978-965-15-9)

Toulouse Sophie & Soyer Barbara, The Drawer, volume 16 - vert, p. 120 - 125. Les presses du réel. Paris, 2019 (ISBN 978-2-9559927-3-9) 

Turel Sara, Prof. Ohana David, Dr. Alon Ktzia, Jacqueline Kahanoff: The Levent as a Parable, p. 80 - 81. Musa - Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, 2019 


Dr. Noam Lemelshtrich-latar, Prof. Jerry Wind, Dr. Ornat Lev-Er, Can Art Aid in Resolving Conflicts ? 100 perspectives, Frame Publishers BV2018 ( ISBN-10: 9492311321 ) 

Mary-Rabine Luc, c'est à voir, Specto ac prends, Paris, 2018

Tshuva Or, Drorit Gur Arie, exhibition catalogue, To the end of land, P. 37 - 42, National Gallery of modern art, New Delhi, Inde, 2018 (ISBN: 9789657461334)

Bourgeois Isabelle, Robin Martine, exhibition catalogue, Arts Éphémères 2009 > 2018, P. 82, 84, Parc & Salon de Maison Blanche, Marseille, 2018 (ISBN: 9791069922662) 

Souben Véronique, Dupinet Coralie, ‘Résonance’, le FRAC révèle ses dernières acquisitions (2013-2017), Editions Snoeck, France, 2018 (ISBN:97894616144551)


Kozlovsky Golan Yvonne, in Book Forgotten from the Frame, p. 269 - 285, Resling, Tel Aviv, 2017 ( ISBN: 005850013747) 

Keydar Ya’ara, Nizri Yigal Shalom, in catalog of the exhibition: Je t’aime, Ronit Elkabetz, Design Museum, Holon. p. 14, 19, 48, 2017 ( ISBN: 9789657710067) 

Neveux Pascal, Vazquez Ricardo, in catalog of the exhibition: d’une Méditerranée, l’autre, Hôtel des Arts, Toulon and FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Marseille, 2017 p. 62 - 65, ( ISBN: 9782913959583)

Touval Mikel and Dadoune Yosef Joseph, Between Seas and Deserts, in ART + MEDIA Journal of Art and Media Studies ( Issue No. 14 ), p. 157 - 164, Belgrade, October 2017

Toval Sharon, O R I E N T J E RUSALEM Contemporary Art Collection, P. 26. Orient Jerusalem Hotel, Jérusalem, September 2017

Sperber David, "Love that does not spoil the line": Art in the religious and traditional space in Israel, in The paths of Daniel: studies in Judaism and Jewish culture in honor of Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber, p. 665, Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan, Mars 2017


Ida Bat Sheva, exhibition catalogue, Alchemy of Words: Abraham Abulafia, Dada, Lettrism, P. 11, 132. Tel Aviv museum of Art, Tel Aviv, 2016 (ISBN: 978-965-539-136-7)

Blumensohn Carmit, exhibition catalogue, Circle of Life, NordArt 2016, Büdelsdorf, Allemagne, 2016 (ISBN 978-3-9813751-9-0)

Robin Martine, exhibition catalogue, A l’heure du dessin, 4e temps, P. 6, 8-9. Château de Servières, Marseille, 2016

Gur Arie Drorit, Takita Risa, Kyambi Syowia, Schmidt Harro, Wendland Tomasz, Higler Andréa , in catalog: Error: X , Ostrale’016, Internationale Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Künste, p. 138, Dresde, Allemagne, January 2016 

Roy Arad and Joshua Simon, Maayan 12, Back cover, Summer 2016, Tel Aviv, 2016  


Gur Arie Drorit, exhibition catalogue, Recurrence: Rituals, Place, and History, The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre & the Pierides Foundation, Nicosie, Chypre, 2015

Keshet Shula,  Stains and Stampings; Mizrahi and Palestinian Identity in Visual Art in Israel (Hebrew, Arabic and English), published by Achoti – For Women in Israel, Tel Aviv 2015

Gur Arie Drorit, Sigal Raphael, exhibition catalogue, Bibliologia: The Book as Body, Petach Tikva Museum, Petach Tikva, Israël, 2015


Gur Arie Drorit, Museum: Value in use, P, 29, 30, 33, 152, 165 - 166, 175 - 176. Petach Tikva Museum of art, Published by Resling, 2014 

Blumensohn Carmit, exhibition catalogue, Mazal U'Bracha (Good Fortune and a Blessing), P, 11, 18, 28 - 29, 49, 21e, 12e - 13e. Beit Hatfutsot, Tel Aviv, 2014

Dertrand Dorléac Laurence, Bernadac Marie-Laure, exhibition catalogue, Les désastres de la guerre, 1800-2014, P. 337, Le Louvre Lens, Lens, France, 2014

Kaeppelin Olivier, exhibition catalogue, Inhabiting the World, Busan Biennale, Busan, Corée du sud, 2014

Beaton Yuval, Cohen-Binyamini Roni, exhibition catalogue, Until you get out of my voice, P, 72 - 75. Ashdod Art Museum, Ashdod, Israël, 2014 

Benetton Luciano, Aviv Naomi & S. Milo Daniel, Dr. Gideon Ofrat. Imago mundi, Luciano 

Benetton Collection. Israel/One : contemporary artists from Israel, Edition Fabrica, 2014 (ISBN 9788898764341)

Shek Marie, Confrontation, Exhibition journal, P 3 - 5,Edition Le Minautore, # 6, février 2014

Dagan Shosh, exhibition catalogue, Confluence - Israel A Convergence of Cultures, P 6, Art Center Sarasota, Sarasota, état unis, 2014 


Exhibition journal, Sexe, Humour & Abstraction, Texte : Bernard Marcadé, P,  5, Scénographie : Mathieu Mercier, Galerie Le Minautore, FIAC 2013, Edition Le Minautore, # 4, Paris, octobre 2013 

Touitou Jonathan, exhibition catalogue, No Place, P, 3 - 11, BAAD Gallery, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, 2013 

Shemer Yaron, 'Identity, Place, and Subversion in Contemporary Mizrahi Cinema in Israel', The University of Michigan Press, état unis, 2013

MOMENTUM Paris - Tel Aviv - Paris, exhibition journal, ( Curator Marie Shek ), Galerie Minotaure, Tel Aviv, 2013 

Helaine Posner, Lilly Wei, in Catalogue of the exhibition, The Compromised Land: Recent Photography and Video from Israel, cover, Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, état unis, 2013

Honey, I rearranged the collection, artworks from the Philippe Cohen Collection, exhibition catalogue, P. 15 - 134 - 188 - 189, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Petach Tikva, Israel & Passage de Retz, Paris, 2013


Toumazis Yiannis, exhibition catalogue, Terra Mediterranea - In Crisis, P 54 - 59, 184 - 185, 293. The Nicosia Municipal Arts Center, Associated with the Pierides Foundation, Cyprus, 2012 

Gur Arie Drorit, exhibition catalogue, The Unknown, Mediations Biennale, Poznan, Pologne, 2012

MJS collection, Untitled. Préface: Bernard BlistèneP 178, Paris, 2012

Reingold Svetlana, exhibition catalogue, Désir for Paris, P. 67, Mane-Katz Museum, Haïfa, Israel, 2012


Blumenson Carmit, exhibition catalogue, site specific, The Open University of Israel, Raanana, Israel. P 24 - 25 - 26 - 27. Sadan Michal, Israeli landscape painting: pattern and turning. P 41, Raanana, Israël, 2011

Dekel-Caspi Sophia, exhibition catalogue, AD - DRESS : Thoughs on Garments, Jerusalem Artists' House, Jerusalem, Israel, 2011

Manor Dalia, exhibition catalogue, Southern Spirit, Aspects of the Negev in Contemporary Israeli Art, Negev Museum, Beer Sheva, Israel, 2011

Blumenson Carmit, exhibition catalogue, site specific, 10 Gallery, Bet Michal, Rehovot, Israël, 2011

Flahutez Fabrice, La source du mythe, 20/21 siecles, Art & Mythe, cover, presses universitaires de paris ouest, Paris, 2011

Rabinovitsh Israel, exhibition catalogue, Home, Memory, Place: Negev, Kay academic college, Beer Sheva, Israel, 2011


Sperber David, Jewish Art as an Israeli Periphery, in Fringes - Jewish Art as an Israeli Periphery. P.  17, Edited by Bar–Ilan University The Faculty of Jewish Studies, Ramat Gan, Israël, winter 2010

Guez Dor, exhibition catalogue, The Exotic West, 22 september - 17 december 2010,   p. 12 - 14 - 15. Centro da Cultura Judaica, Sao Paulo, Brezil, 2010

Markovich Dalya, Passages, in Tabur, Volume 3 / 2010, p. 123 - 126. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Published by Resling, Tel Aviv 2010 

Salhov Shva, in Cinema South, Sapir College, South Film Festival 2010, p. 147 - 157, Sdérot, Israël, 2010

Sperber David, Israeli Art Discourse and the Jewish Voice, in Images, volume 4, Issue 1, p. 126 -127. 2010 (ISSN: 1871-7993 E-ISSN: 1871-8000)

Hagbi Shani, exhibition catalogue, The "Old Man" : David Ben-Gurion and His Legacy in the Mirror of Israeli Art, ( Curator Prof. Haim Maor ), p. 78, 187. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israël, 2010

Hazut Yeala, exhibition catalogue, In Detail: From the Collections of Arnie Druck, Haifa Museum of Art, Haïfa, Israel, 2010


Sperber David, Holy Convocations, The Jewish Holidays and Contemporary Jewish Art 

An Anthology. P. 14 - 15. Edited by Bar–Ilan University The Faculty of Jewish Studies, Ramat Gan, Israël, 2009  

Michael Androula , L'art dans le contexte d'une partition politique, La Fonction critique de l'art, dynamiques et ambiguïtés, Sous la direction d'Evelyne Toussaint, P. 209 - 217, Editions La Lettre Volée, Belgique., 2009

Ktzia Alon, Antisemitsm as Ethno-Religius Operation, Post-Colonialism and the Holocaust: ‘Black Footprint’ In Aharon Appelfeld’s Literary Corpus, in Tabur "Crime and Madness in Germany.", Volume 2 / 2009 Jerusalem, cover and p. 165. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Published by Resling, Tel Aviv,  2009. 

Aviv Naomi, exhibition catalogue, The Winners for 2008 The Ministry of Culture and Sport, Prizes in Art and Design, P. 56 - 57. Fin Harod Museum of Art, Kibbutz Ein Harod, Israël. 2009 

Guez Dor, exhibition catalogue, Forbidden Juctions, P. 8. The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israel. 2009 


Ktzia Alon, exhibition catalogue SKIN, Kastiel Gallery, Tel Aviv,  December 2008 

Ktzia  Alon, Drorit Gur Arie, Dr. Yvonne Kozlovsky-Golan, The Curator's book, South Film Festival 2008, p.45-68, Sapir College, Sdérot, Israël, 2008 

Shelly Cohen, Shani Bar-On, exhibition catalogue, Local 10 Exhibitions, The Architect’s House Gallery, Jaffa, Israël, 2008

Das Park Heft, Malkasten:Blatter, n° 45 / 2008, p 39, Kunstlerverein Malkastern, Dusseldorf, Allemagne, 2008  


Shelly Cohen, Dr Shani Bar-On, exhibition catalogue Of Ar, The architcture worker, The Gallery of the Achitect house, Jaffa, Israël, 2007 

Yiannis Toumazis, Androula Michael, exhibition catalogue Crossings A Contemporary View, Espace Camille Claudel, Université de Picardie Jules Vernes, Amiens, France, 2007 

Yiannis Toumazis, Androula Michael, exhibition catalogue Crossings A Contemporary View, The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, The Pierides Foundation, Nicosie, Chypre, 2007  


Yiannis Toumazis, Androula Michael, exhibition catalogue Crossings A Contemporary View, Forti Sant’Anglu, Il-Birgu, Malte, 2006

Dewilde Michel, exhibition catalogue New Territories, Beffroi de Bruges, Belgique, 2006

Drawings from my diary, in Iton 77, n° 309-310, p. 33-35-36,  Tel-Aviv. 2006

Dadoune Joseph, Journal de l’exposition Amit Berlowitz (Moi, Elles …)  Relation photographique au féminin, édition : Raw Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, 2006

Simone Simon Nostalgie du présent, Book, e-dite. France, 2006


Prof. Mordehai Omer, exhibition catalogue, Israeli Photographers photographing Themselves Photographing, Publication: The Genia Schreiber University Art gallery, Tel-Aviv University. p. 35. 2005

Catalogue Performance Art, Thursday Saturday nights monthly program March 2002 – February 

2005, edition Performance Art Platform – Shelter 209 in memory of Dan Zakhem: Tel-Aviv, p. 49. 2005

Catalogue Action Field Kodra 2005 (AFK) 5th Visual Arts Festival, ArtBox : preface by Sania Papa and excerpt of the text by Yoav Shmueli p.154-155, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2005


Dekel Sophia, exhibition catalogue, Israeli Object / A Matter of Time, edition: The Jerusalem artists’ house, Jerusalem. p.58. 2002 

Dallal Diana & Dadoune Joseph, exhibition catalogue, Clinique, edition: Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel-Aviv. p. 10-11. 2002 


Ben / La Station, exhibition catalogue, Jolie Attaque pour perdre, edition: Espace des Arts, Colomiers, France 2001 



A collaboration with Architect Doron von Beider, as part of his Master thesis, later showcased in the exhibition 'Ofakim'in at the  petach tikva museum of art. 


הצעה לביתן הישראלי הביאנלה לאמנות בוונציה 2017

אמן: יוסף-ז׳וזף-יעקב דדון

אוצרת: דרורית גור אריה

אדריכל: דורון פון בידר 

הצעה לביתן הישראלי הביאנלה לאמנות בוונציה 2015

אמן: יוסף-ז'וזף דדון

Donatien Grau - אוצרים: דרורית גור אריה