Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, born April 24, 1975 in Nice, is an artist working at the intersection of video, photography, performance, drawing, architecture and social action. In his work, Joseph Dadoune is interested in the tensions between East and West, between centralized power and periphery, and between real and imaginary. His works also resonates with issues related to colonialism, gender and identity. 

Artistic career

After a childhood that takes him from Nice to Ofakim, Joseph Dadoune becomes known in the early 2000s for his film “Zion” (2006-2007), produced with the support and participation of the Louvre and actress Ronit Elkabetz.

 In 2008, he develops a cycle of pieces entitled “In the Desert” which examines the economic, social and cultural reality of the development town Ofakim.  For the project, Dadoune produces films, collects archival documents, initiates guided tours, invites journalists, and tries to harness as many people as possible to deliver Ofakim from its status as a “non-place”. Starting in 2010, he concentrates on drawing and creates monumental surfaces slathered in a black tar that he also adds to various objects and materials. Some of these tar pieces have been exhibited at Fondation Ricard in Paris and at Petach Tikva Museum of Art.

Amongst his other striking pieces are the noteworthy “Impossible calendars” (2013), exhibited at Tel Aviv Museum of Art for the 100th anniversary of Dada, and “Barrière protectrice” (2017), a series of autobiographical war drawings published as a book by Éditions Arnaud Bizalion.

In 2017, he is named a Knight of Arts and Letters by the French Minster of Culture, and in July that same year, his project “An Arab Spring” (233 photos and 17 videos) joins the collections of Centre Pompidou. In October 2017, he is the invited artist for the City of Versailles ‘Night of Creation’, where he presents an important selection of works under the title “Sillons”.

In 2018, he was the recipient of the Renée and Léonce Bernheim Foundation award and participated in the group show “To the End of Land” at the National Gallery of Modern Art in New Delhi.

In 2019, two of his tar pieces were selected for the exhibition “Naked Soul: Chaïm Soutine” at the Ein Harod Museum in Israel. In 2020, his book of drawings “Fresh Light”, with a text by Donatien Grau, was released through Éditions Arnaud Bizalion. In 2021, Galerie Le Minotaure and Galerie Alain Le Gaillard in Paris presented the exhibition “IncarnaSion”, on which occasion they published a catalog  including a preface by Cahiers du cinéma film historian and critic, Ariel Schweitzer. In 2022, his work was featured on the poster for the 26th Truffle Market of Grasse. The Alliance Françaises in New Delhi and Calcutta present his drawings and videos alongside works by artist Léor Grady.

Upon invitation in June 2023 by the MAHJ in Paris for the exhibition “The Cry of Flowers” during the Nuit Blanche event, Joseph Dadoune’s works fill the museum’s contemporary gallery, the Duke’s room and the library. A 304-page monograph is released for the occasion by Arnaud Bizalion, Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, 1996 - 2022, with texts by Marie-Laure Bernadac, Lucia Sagradini-Neumann, Doron Von Beider, Donatien Grau, Drorit Gur Arie, and graphic design by baldinger•vu-huu studios. And in September that year, he participated with the artist Léor Grady at the “Bihar Museum biennal” in Patna.

Joseph Dadoune has participated in over 200 solo and group exhibitions. His work has been shown notably at FIAC (Paris), Espace Richaud (Versailles)19, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Plateau / FRAC Ile de France, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Fondation Ricard (Paris) and the Israel Museum (Jerusalem). His videos have been screened at Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, the auditorium of the Louvre, the White Box and Palais de Tokyo.

Joseph Dadoune’s pieces can be found in the collections of Centre Georges Pompidou, the Louvre Museum, FNAC in Paris, FRAC Normandy Rouen, the Zabludowicz Collection, the Israel Museum and Petach Tikva Museum of Art.

Expositions Collectives (selection) :

2023: « Encore & en-corps », Images passages, Annecy, France (commissariat :Annie Aguettaz) 

2023 « Quand on s’est perdus, quand on s’est retrouvées, pourquoi se séparer ? », surface active, Chapelle sainte catherine, Fontevraud l’Abbaye, France 

2023: C’est le bouquet, Galerie Hyperbien, Montreuil, France (commissariat : Sophie Toulouse) 

2023: Dédicace « Ivresses mélancolique », Galerie Bernard Jordan, Théatre du rond point. Paris. France

2023: Du sang pour l’acacia, 13 rue Mazarine Paris, France (commissariat :Alexandra Lantz) 

2022 « photographi.e.s d'auteur.e.s ou anonym.e.s », Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès, Paris, France (commissariat :Alexandra Lantz) 

2022: Il n'y a pas que la taille qui compte. Galerie ANNE+. Paris. (Commissariat: Barbara Lusynska)

2022: Les fleurs de Mâle. Biennale de Nice. Musée international d’art naïf Anatole Jakovsky. Nice. FR. (Commissariat: Élodie Antoine) 

2022: Had Gadya: Cycle Of Horror, The Jerusalem Artists House, Jerusalem. IL (Commissariat: Sophia Dekel-Caspi)

2022: In Another Green, Joseph Dadoune and Leor Grady. Kolkata Centre for Creativity, Kolkata, IN (Commissariat: Achia Anzi)

2022: And also Blooms. Geula gallery. Jérusalem. IL (Commissariat: Elhai Salomon)

2022: OnBalance. Wegrzyn’s house. London. UK  (commissariat: Ilana Wegrzyn, Keren Bar-Gil, Podrojski Sharon)

2022: Longing Be-longing. Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival. Ras Al Khaimah. UAE (commissariat: Sharon Toval)

2022: In betweeners. Espace culturel Mémoire de l'Avenir (commissariat: Doron Polak, Henie Westbrook, Margalit Berriet , Marie-Cécile Berdaguer)

2021: Object # 1. The Lobby. Tel Aviv. IL (commissariat: Orit Mor) 

2021: Sur la table. Municipal Art Gallery. Giv’atayim. IL (commissariat: Doron Polak, Rafael Barbibaï)

2021: Paréidolie, salon international du dessin contemporain, Galerie Éva Vautier, Marseille, FR

2021: Désorientaliser FRAC Normandie-Rouen, Jardin des plantes de Rouen – Pavillon 17e. FR (commissariat: Véronique Souben)

2021: Transmission. Joyce yahouda gallery, Montréal, CA (commissariat: Drorit Gur Arie)

2021: Airspace. Municipal Art Gallery, Ramat Hasharon, IL (commissariat: Ravit Harari)

2021: Communication Disorder. Seminar kibboutzim Gallery, Tel aviv, IL (commissariat: Drorit Gur Arie)

2020: The print fair #4. The print house, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, IL 

2020: Avec plaisir #3. Galerie Éva Vautier,, Nice, FR

2020: Le pari(s) Galerie Éva Vautier, artsy.net

2020: ‘Transmission’. APT, London, UK (commissariat Drorit Gur Arie)

2020: Outside Box 2. Old Jaffa, Jaffa, Il (commissariat: Liav Mizrahi & Yael Rozin)

2020: 1 metre de distance, galerie Éva Vautier, Nice, FR

2020: Constelaciones. MUNTREF, El Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero Buenos Aires, AR ( commissariat: Diana Wechsler & Benedetta Casini)

2020:  Vividus. Petach Tikva Museum of Art, IL (commissariat: Bar Yerushalmi)

2019: Avec plaisir #2. Galerie Éva Vautier, Nice, FR

2019: Naked Soul: Chaïm Soutine. Ein Harod museum, Kibbutz Ein Harold, IL (commissariat: Yaniv Shapira, Surya Sadekova, Batsheva Goldman-Ida)

2019: Hshuma. Museum and Center of Contemporary Art, Bellinzona, CH (commissariat Sharon Toval)

2019: Teder print fair, Teder, Tel Aviv, IL (commissariat: Michael Liani)

2019: Family trees, FRAC Normandie Rouen, The botanical garden fo Rouen,  FR Rouen, FR (curator Véronique Souben)  

2019: Révélation. Galerie ANNE+, Paris, FR

2019: Jacqueline Kahanoff: The Levant as a Parable. MUSA museum, Tel aviv, IL (commissariat: Sara Turel)

2018: THE LAND OF PROMISE. curator: Tamás Don. MODEM Modern and Contemporary Arts Centre, Debrecen, Hongrie 

2018: Make Up, curators: Drorit Gur Arie & Tal Schwartz, Labirynt Galerie, Lublin, Pologne 

2018: FROTTEMENT, 10è édition des Arts Éphémères, curated by: Isabelle Bourgeois & Martine Robin, Parc et Salons de Maison Blanche, Marseille

2018: TO THE END OF LAND, curated by: Drorit Gur Arie & Or Tshuva. National Gallery of Modern Art New Delhi, Indes

2018: RÉSONANCE, FRAC Normandie Rouen, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, Rouen, France 

2017: Blues prints II, models, curator: Orit Mor. The Lobby art space, Tel Aviv 

2017: Inconfort moderne, curator : Annie Aguettaz / Imagespassages, La Fabric, Fondation Salomon, Annecy, France  

2017: Je T'aime Ronit Elkabetz, curator: Yaara Keydar. Directeur artistique: Shlomi Elkabetz, Design museum, Holon, Israel 

2017: To and Fro, curator: Dr. Batsheva Goldman-Ida. The Jerusalem Biennale, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem

2017: Materials for Thought Selection from the Museum Collection. Curators: Dalia Manor & Nirit Dahan. Negev Museum, Beer Sheva, Israel 

2016: D’UNE MEDITERRANEE, L’AUTRE, commissaires italiens : Francesco Bonami & Emanuela Mazzonis, commissaires français : Pascal Neveux & Ricardo Vazquez, Hôtel des Arts, Toulon 

2016: À L’HEURE DU DESSIN 4e TEMPS, curator: Martine Robin. Chateau de Serviers, Marseille 

2016: FUNDAMENTAL, curated by: Drorit Gur Arie. 5e Mediations Biennale. Poznań, Pologne 

2016: Post- postmodernism ≠ Utopia, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ». Curators: Svetlana Reingold. Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa, Israel

2016: Alchemy of Words: Abraham Abulafia, Dada, Lettrism, curated by: Bat Sheva Ida Goldman. Tel Aviv museum of Art, Tel Aviv

2016: STRATA, curator: Drorit Gur Arie. CIRCLE1 Gallery, Berlin

2016 : Alt- Neu, curator: Nogah Davidson. Rosenbach Contemporary gallery, Jerusalem 

2015 : Imago Mundi - Mappa dell’arte nuova. Luciano Benetton Collection, curator: Naomi Aviv. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venise

2015 : Bibliologia: The Book as Body, curators: Drorit Gur Arie & Raphael Sigal. Petach Tikva Museum, Petach Tikva, Israël 

2015 : ‘Stains And Stampings’, Mizrahi and Palestinian Identity in Visual Art in Israel, curated by: Shula Keshet and Farid Abu-Shakr. Sister Gallery, Tel-Aviv, and at Art Gallery, Latin Quarter, Nazareth 

2015 : « Expressions méditerranéennes. De la poésie à l’engagement ». Festival PhotoMed', Hôtel des Arts, Toulon 

2015 : Recurrence: Rituals, Place, and History, curator : Drorit Gur Arie. The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre & the Pierides Foundation, Nicosie, Chypre  

2014 : Inhabiting the World, curator : Olivier Kaeppelin. Bienale de Busan, Busan, Corée du sud 

2014 : Projecting Art, curator : Sophia Dekel-Caspi. Ilana Goor Museum, Jaffa, Israel ‎

2014 : Mazal U'Bracha (Good Fortune and a Blessing), curator : Carmit Blumensohn. Beit Hatfutsot, Tel Aviv

2014 : Les désastres de guerres, 1800-2014, curator : Laurence Bertrand Dorleac, le Louvre - Lens. Lens

2014 : Until you get out of my voice, curated by : Yuval Beaton & Roni Kohen-Binyamini. Ashdod Art Museum, Ashdod, Israël 

2014 : Measure for Measure, curators: Drorit Gur Arie & Hila Cohen-Schneiderman. Petach Tikva Museum, Petach Tikva, Israël 

2014 : Confrontation, curator : Marie Shek. Galerie Le Minotaure & Galerie Alain Le Gaillard, Paris

2014 : Temporary topography, Redline gallery, Beer Sheva, Israël 

2013 : Expo-étagères « 21/12 », curated By : Audrey Illouz, Nathalie Brevet & Hughes Rochette. La Ruche, Paris

2013 : No Place, curator: Jonathan Touitou. BAAD Reservoir Gallery, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Tel Aviv

2013 : SEXE, HUMOUR & ABSTRACTION. Texte : Bernard Marcadé. Scénographie : Mathieu Mercier, Galerie Le Minautore, FIAC 2013, Paris

2013 : Honey, I rearranged the Collection - Philippe Cohen Collection, curator : Ami Barak. Passage de Retz, Paris 

2013 : The Compromised Land: Recent Photography and Video from Israel, co-curated by Helaine Posner & Lilly Wei. Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase , États - Unis  

2013 : MOMENTUM Paris - Tel Aviv - Paris, curator Marie Shek. Galerie Le Minotaure, Tel Aviv

2013 : L'apparition des images, curator: Audrey Illouz. Fondation Ricard, Paris

2013 : Lyrical Correctness, curator : Micha Kirshner. Wizo Haifa Academy of Design and Education, Haifa, Israel

2012 : Great Wide Open: New and Old in the Collection, curator: Amitai Mendelsohn. The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

2012 : The Unknown, curator : Drorit Gur Arie. Mediations Biennale, Poznan, Pologne

2012 : Frontières/Territoires, curator : Maud Calmé et Luc Texier. ArtCourtVideo, Palais de l'Achevêché, Arles 

2012 : Black Box, curator : Rami Maymon. #2 International Photography Festival, Jaffa Port, Israel 

2012 : Terra Mediterranea – In Crisis, curated by Yiannis Toumazis ), the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Nicosie, Chypre  

2012 : Remembering Boaz Tal, curator: Sorin Heller, Zaritsky Artists House, Tel Aviv

2012 : ICI/PARIS - Curator Marie Shek. Galerie Michel Rein, Paris 

2012 : The Desire for Paris, curator : Svetlana Reingold, Mané-Katz Museum, Haïfa, Israel

2012 : Baad Influence, BAAD Reservoir Gallery, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Tel Aviv 

2012 : Works on paper, Vivian Horan Gallery, New York, États - Unis 

2011 : in SALAAM in SHALLOM, curator: Ayelet Bitan Shlonsky & Claudette Zorea. Beit H'air - Urban Culture Museum, Tel Aviv 

2011 : Site Specific, curator: Carmit Blumensohn. Open University Gallery, Ra’anana, Israël 

2011 : Lyrical correctness, curator : Katharina Mayer, August-Pieper-Haus Bischöfliche Akademie, Aachen, Allemagne 

2011 : Southern Spirit - Aspects of the Negev in Contemporary Israeli Art, curator Dr Dalia Manor. The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery, Université de Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv

2011 : AD - DRESS : Thoughs on Garments, curator : Sophia Dekel-Caspi. Jerusalem Artists' House, Jerusalem

2011 : Southern Spirit, Aspects of the Negev in Contemporary Israeli Art, curator : Dr Dalia Manor. Negev Museum, Beer Sheva, Israël 

2011 : Shvartze Vilde Haya, curator : Liav Mizrahi. Zemack gallery, Tel Aviv

2011 : “Israel From Within and from Without”, curators : Rinat Harel, Holland Dieringer, and Stuart Steck. Boston University Hillel, Boston, État - Unis 

2011 : Site specific, curator : Carmit Blumenson. 10 Gallery, Bet Michal, Rehovot, Israël

2010 : Far away, Right here, A project by : Fabio Morais & Marilá Dardot. 29th São Paulo Biennial, Sao Paulo, Brésil    

2010 : The Exotic West, curator: Dor Guez. The Jewish Cultural Centre, parallel to the São Paulo Biennial, Sao Paulo, Brésil 

2010 : The "Old Man": David Ben-Gurion and His Legacy in the Mirror of Israeli Art. Curator Prof. Haim Maor. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israël 

2010 : ‘’In Detail: From the Collections of Arnie Druck’’, curator : Yeala Hazut. Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa, Israel

2009 : The Winners for 2008 The Ministry of Culture and Sport, Prizes in Art and Design, curator : Galia Bar Or, Ein Harod Museum of Art, Ein Harod, Israël. 

2009 : Solace, curator: David Adika, Inga Gallery, Tel Aviv

2009 : Forbidden Juction, curator : Dor Guez, The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israël

2008 : Silencio!, curator : Audrey Illouz. Vermelho Gallery, Sao Paolo, Brésil

2008 : Sehnsucht (Aspiration), curator : Dr Georges Armaos, Light & Sie Gallery, Dallas, Étas - Unis 

2007: Residents / Vidéothèque Mobile, espace expérimental du Plateau / FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris 

2007 : Local 10: Of-Ar, Working Architecture, curated by : Shelly Cohen, Architecte & Dr Shani Bar-On, Arcihtect's House Gallery, Jaffa, Israël 

2007 : "Crossings », The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, The Pierides Foundation, Nicosie, Chypre 

2006: In Between Places: New Art from Israel, curator: Kari Conte, Vivian Horan Gallery, New York, Étas - Unis  

2006: New Territories, curator : Michel Dewilde, Hall de Bruges, Belgique 

2005 : Beyond The Walls, Daniel Azoulay Gallery, Miami, Étas - Unis 

2005: Arab Jews and Arabs, curated by: Shula Keshet & Zahad Harsh, Kafr Qasim, Israël

2005: Border Lines Action Field KODRA 2005, curator: Dr Sania Papa, Kalamaria, Thessalonique, Grèce  

2005: Israeli photographers Photographing Themselves Photographing, curator: Prof Mordechai Omer, The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery - Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv

2004 : “Natural Phenomena: Horizon Bound”, Daniel Azoulay Gallery, Miami, Étas - Unis 

2004: “you don't look hungry to me”, curators: Michal Shamir & Orly Welkovsky. Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv

2004: In memory of Dan Zakhem, Shelter 209, Tel Aviv 

2004: Le désappartement, curator: Robin de Courcy, 2 rue hôtel de ville, Nice 

2003: In Focus, Daniel Azoulay Gallery, Miami

2003 : Expo Chicago art fair, Galerie Jacob Karpio. San José, Costa Rica

2002: Israeli Object / a Matter of Time, curator: Tsofia Dekel. The artists House, Jerusalem  

2002 : Hot City, Daniel Azoulay Gallery, Miami

2002: Food in Art, curators: Hagitte Alon and Smedar Gafni, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

2002: Jouets d’artistes, galerie Joël Scholtès, Nice

2002: Clinique, curators: Diana Dallas & Joseph Dadoune. Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel-Aviv

2002: Hot City, curator: Dermis Leon. Daniel Azoulay Gallery, Miami

2001: ‘’The Cold Equator’’ Joseph Dadoune, Doron Rabina & Gil Jacobson,  Daniel Azoulay Gallery, Miami

2001: Jolie attaque pour perdre, commissariat La station ( Sur une invitation de Ben Vautier ). Espace des arts, Colomiers, France

2001: Vanités contemporaines, A La Plage, Toulouse

2000: "Lucy Sweetie Darling", collection Roselyne et Patrick Michaud, La Station & la galerie du Château, Nice 

2000: Pioneer Hotel, Triangle France, la Friche la belle de mai, Marseille 

1998: COUPéS DU MONDE, galerie J-F Meyer, Marseille

Expositions personnelles (Selection) :

2023: « Mère, quand je reviendrai à toi, qu‘est-ce que j‘apporterai ? », Invisible galerie, Marseille, France 

2023: Le cri des fleurs, MHAJ, Paris, France (commissariat : Pascale Samuel)

2022: Blancs, galerie Eva Vautier, Nice, France

2022: Fresh Light. Rupture Arts & Books. Paris. FR (commissariat: Barbara Soyer)

2021: IncarnaSion. Galeries Le Minotaure & Alain Le Gaillard. Paris. FR 

2021: In Another Green. Alliance Française. New delhi. IN ( Curated: Achia Anzi )

2020Perspective. On arty minute, exposition en ligne durant la crise sanitaire. Paris. Fr        (commissariat: Doron Von Beider) 

2020: Prototype. Galerie Roanne de st Laurent, Paris. Fr

2018: Family Album. curators: Leor Grady, Orit Mor, Barbara Wolffer, The Lobby, Tel Aviv 

2018: Yosef Joseph Dadoune, Des Racines. Texte: Raphaël Sigal. Galerie Éva vautier, Nice 

2017: Sillons. curator : Isabelle Bourgeois, Espace Richaud, Versailles 

2016 : In praise of the Sequence. curators: Leor Grady, Orit Mor, The Lobby Art Space, Tel Aviv

2016 : << Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent sur vos têtes>>, curator : Isabelle Bourgeois, Beit Uri and Rami Nehostan Museum, Kibbutz Ashdod Yaakov Meuhad, Israel  

2015 : Border Notes, Yosef Joseph Dadoune and Eyal Assulin, curator : Ziva Yalin, Be'eri gallery, Kibbutz Be'eri, Israel 

2015 : Joseph Dadoune, curator : Isabelle Bourgeois, artiste invité PAREIDOLIE, Salon international du dessin contemporain, Marseille 

2014 : Le Kiosque Noir, Espace d'art le Moulin, La Valette, France 

2014 : Le Musée Noir, Texte: Élodie Antoine, Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice

2012 : Ofakim, (Curator : Eyal Assulin), Sapir College’s School of Art, Sderot, IL

2012 : Ofakim, curator : Drorit Gur Arie, Petach Tikva Museum, Petach Tikva, I 

2007 : Joseph Dadoune A Cinematic Trilogy, curator : Drorit Gur Arie, Petach Tikva Museum, Petach Tikva, Israël 

2007 : Purifying Love, curator : Dr Sania Papa, Track7artsLaboratorium, Athènes

2007 : « Universes »,  Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris

2006: Milk Teeth, Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Israel

2006: Chanti, Centre d’art Le Plateau / FRAC Ile de France, Paris  

2004: Universes, galerie Joël Scholtès, Nice

2004: Universes, Alon Segev Gallery, Tel-Aviv

2004: Universes, the artists’ house, Jerusalem

2002: Limited Club, Galerie Joël Scholtès, Nice

2001: La chambre froide, Institut français, Tel-Aviv

2001: Bienvenue au Club, Alon Segev Gallery, Tel-Aviv

2001: Satin Noir Organisation / joseph Dadoune, Galerie du Tableau, Marseille

2001: La Viande Autrement / L’autre Substance - Mode d’emploi… Passage de Retz, Paris

2000: Le Cabinet / Temple, Galerie Éric Dupont, Paris

1999: Prophylaxie Production, Galerie du Tableau, Marseille

1999: Le Réduit, observation / concentration - The Organ, emission / reception, Espace d’art Contemporain Le Faubourg, Strasbourg, France

1996: Les Valises Itinérantes, galerie Le Chanjour, Nice


Prix et récompense: 

2022: Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2022, Tokyo

2021: Bourse Collection Monographie de l'ADAGP, Paris

2018:  Prix Renée et Léonce Bernheim, Paris 

2017:  Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres 

2012 : Bourse Ecole supérieure des Beaux Arts, Toulon 

2011 : The Artis Grant Program, Artis, New York, États - Unis 

2008 : Young Artist's Prize, Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture & Sports Prize, IL 

2008 : Artist Prize, South Film Festival, Sderot, IL 

2004 : Association européenne pour la culture juive, Paris 

2003 : Aide à la création, Fondation du judaïsme français, Paris

2001 : Prix de Alliance Israélite Universelle, Paris

Projections :

2018: A special program of recent video works from Israel, Curator: Hadas Maor. Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris

2017: Le Louvre imaginaire, cinémathèque de Bologne, Bologne, Italie 

2016: Le Louvre imaginaire, Auditorium du Musée du Louvre, Paris 

2016: Retrospective hommage à Ronit Ekabetz, cinema l’Arlequin, Paris 

2015 : Ofakim | Holon | Jaffa | Hatikva, Inbal Center, Tel Aviv

2015 : La fabrique de l’homme moderne, curateb by ImagesPassages Annie Aguetaz. La Fabric - espace d'art contemporain de la Fondation Salomon, Annecy

2014 : ‘The Giant’, curator : Eitan Buganim. Artists studio,Tel Aviv

2013 : Colloque « Ruptures, de la tabula rasa à la postmodernité » par Elodie Antoine, Villa Arson, Nice 

2012 : In SALAAM In SHALLOM, curator : Ayelet Bitan Shlonsky & Claudette Zorea. Beit H'air - Urban Culture Museum, Tel Aviv

2010 : Others2Specify, curated by : SpecifyOthers. White Box, New York, États - Unis 

2008 : 3 films by Joseph Dadoune (Premier-monographie), Cinémathèque de Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv

2007 : Fiac cinema, Guest curator : d.c.a / Centre Photographique d’Ile-de-France. Palais de Tokyo, Paris 

2007 : Universes. Film Museum Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Allemagne 

2006 : Filmés au Louvre, curator : Marie-Laure Bernadac. Auditorium du Musée du Louvre, Paris 

2006 : CROSSINGS a contemporary view, Fort Saint Angelo, Il-Birgu, Malte 

2006 : “Artists from here and there, a dynamics for the territories”, by Apollonia, Auditorium du Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Strasbourg, Strasbourg 

2005 : Univeses, Auditorium du Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Nice, Nice 

2005 : Universes, Cinéma Le Miroir. Marseille 

Enseignement : 

Post-diplôme. École d’art de Versailles : 2021-22
Département du cinéma au collège Sapir, Sderot, IL : 2010-2012

Conférencier invité :

Conférencier invité à l’École d’art de Versailles : 2017-2021

Conférencier invité, département d’art, université de Vienne : 2017

Conférencier invité à l’École de beaux-arts, Vienne : 2017

Conférencier invité à l’École de beaux-arts, Toulon : 2016
Conférencier invité, département d’art, académie d’art Bezalel, Jérusalem : 2015

Conférencier invité au programme MFA de Bezalel, Tel Aviv : 2011 

Membre de jury :

Membre de jury, École d’art de Versailles : 2019-2022

Membre de jury, École supérieure d'art des Pyrénées, Tarbes, FR : 2019

Membre de jury, département d’arts visuels, academie d’art Bezalel, Jérusalem : 2016

Membre de jury au licence, École de beaux-arts, Nice : 2015

Membre de jury au projet 48, Beer-Sheva, IL : 2015

Membre de jury, collège Hadassah de Photographie, Jérusalem : 2014-2015


Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 

Musée du Louvre, Paris

FNAC, Fond Nationale d'Art Contemporain, Paris 

FRAC Normandie Rouen, Rouen, France 

Hôtel des Arts, Toulon, France  

Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK

Petach Tikva Museum, Petach Tikva, Il

Israel Museum, Jerusalem 

Negev Museum, Beer Sheva, Il 

Janco Dada Museum, Hein Hod, Il 

Institut Français, Tel Aviv 

ArtBox, Thessalonique, Grèce 

Shoken Collection, Tel Aviv

Shpilman Institute for Photography, Tel Aviv